Septic Inspection

Five Things to Know Before Buying a Home on Well or Septic

September 6, 2013

Five Things to Consider Before Making an Offer on a Home on Well and Septic.


  • Hire a company that offers the MD 4-step Septic Evaluation procedure.  Home Land Septic Consulting follows all procedures and guidelines in accordance with Maryland Department of the Environment (MDE).Septic Graphic
  • Avoid a Dye Test Septic test.  Dye Testing finds 5% of the problems, 5% of the time. Dye Testing has never been a practical application for determining the health of a septic system, although they were more successful in years past. Septic systems, in the past, were generally no deeper than 1-2 feet under grade.
  • Understand that all Septic Systems will eventually fail.  A Septic System typically lasts 30-40 years.  The cost to replace the system can range greatly.  After evaluating a system we can give you an idea of what to budget for.


  • Testing the well will require two different tests.  We can test the QUALITY of the water and the QUANITY of the water.  We offer a variety of well yields and can advise on what you need depending on what county the property is located in.  We also can discuss what impurities to consider testing.  A Buyer may have to follow certain loan requirements depending on what loan product they are using (Conventional, FHA or VA).
  • It is a good practice to obtain County Records from the local Health Department.  Home Land Septic does this as a standard practice; once an appointment is made.  But a buyer can access these records for free (most counties) and obtain pertinent information prior to any home inspections.

Amy Pletz
Home Land Septic Consulting

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4 thoughts on “Five Things to Know Before Buying a Home on Well or Septic”

  1. If you want to construct your home then you have to need septic tank installation so search best service providers in your city.

  2. loanemu says:

    Thanks again for the blog post.Thanks Again. Fantastic.

  3. You have some great tips here. Another great idea is to have a licensed septic cleaning company to pump out and inspect the septic tank. It must be pumped out first to ensure a proper inspection. They will be able to tell you the general health of the septic tank and what you will have to do to get it working in prime condition. You can also have them inspect the leach field for possible issues. A working leach field will avoid some of the backup issues that come with owning a septic tank.

  4. Kevin Smith says:

    Thanks for the Good Advice. I don’t have too much idea about septic tank.

    Kevin |

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