Dana Hollish Hill with a sunflower

Power of Positivity

September 1, 2020

Today on a phone conversation with a friend, I found myself smiling throughout the entire call. His voice was upbeat and when I imagined his face, I pictured his great big smile. He’s such a positive person and it rubbed off on me. Almost like it was contagious. And it had me smiling the rest of the day.

There are so many things that haven’t gone the way we’d planned this year. The number of small disappointments my children have endured is painful to watch and it’s easy to get caught up in them.

What are you doing to stay positive?

Have you discovered a great new book or hobby? Are you gardening like never before? Have you taken on a home project? Let us know what you are doing.

As a parent of a rising high school senior, I’m taking advantage of all the extra family time I get to spend with her before she heads off to college a year from now. My younger daughter and I are sewing up a storm. We’ve painted the family room and you wouldn’t believe the blackberries that came from our garden this summer. There is also a bit of binge watching going on in our home.

There are many reasons to be stressed out, but don’t let real estate be one of them. If there is anything I can do to help you, let me know. And please, share what you are doing to stay positive during this incredibly odd year.

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